Insights Learning and Development recruit a Global Reward Manager and a Global Resourcing Manager
Talent Focus Executive Search have recently partnered with Insights Learning and Development to recruit a Global Reward Manager and Global Resourcing Manager to complement their growing team. After a comprehensive search of the market, we have successfully placed two key new members in the HR team. We look forward to partnering with Insights on future assignments, both in the UK and internationally.
“We’ve recently engaged with Talent Focus Executive Search to recruit a couple of key roles in our Global HR team. We’ve been delighted with both the recruitment process and calibre of candidates that we have since successfully hired. They worked with us to fully understand the brief in terms of both technical and cultural fit for the team. Their search of the marketplace produced a high calibre shortlist of well-matched candidates.” Jacqui Caldwell, Head of HR, Insights Learning and Development.