Unconscious Bias Training
Unconscious Bias Training – Talent Focus Consulting are delivering a number of Unconscious Bias (UB) workshops which help to move the unconscious into the conscious and into action for change. This interactive session starts with a little theory before using a number of tools that will help you understand your own UB and the impact it may have on you and others. You will engage with the Facilitator and other participants to explore what practical measures can make a real difference to reduce bias in our lives. Discussion areas include:
• Human evolution – the biology of fast thinking that results in Bias
• Getting tripped up by unconscious bias – how it can lead to poor, uninformed, and discriminatory decisions
• Engaging the frontal cortex – how to increase awareness at an individual and group level
• Changing the wiring – knowing what we know now, action for change
If you or your organisation would like to know more about these Workshops please email admin@talentfocus.co.uk