Hokey Cokey Recruitment
Hokey Cokey Recruitment… IN-house OUT-sourcing! We have been promoting the commercial and quality of service benefits of SMEs outsourcing their recruitment needs for a while and it appears Covid has helped with the demand for this concept. Large organisations do it all time through complex, often very transactional, RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) contracts. SMEs, who often do not have a dedicated HR function let alone Talent Acquisition team, can also benefit from outsourcing their identification, attraction, assessment, selection and onboarding of candidates. The outsourced recruiter can be embedded in the company, usually on part-time basis, so that they really understand the business and its culture and can best support the organisation with their recruitment, candidate management and employee branding requirements. A monthly retainer and a small fee per hire is significantly cheaper than a series of recruitment agency fees. Talent Focus is working with a number of clients on this basis. If you would like to explore ‘putting your left arm in’ please contact lukerodwell@talentfocus.co.uk